Personal test – Relationship with food

* This test does not have correct or incorrect answers. It is your personal reflection to have a better understanding about your eating habit, thus to give you some useful advice.

* You may need a pen and a small piece of paper to note down your points.

1) Does it happen to you to talk or think about food related topics?

a. Never (0 points)

b. Sometimes (1 point)

c. Often or always (2 points)

2) When do you stop eating?

a. When you have finished your portion of food (0 points)

b. When you think about extra calories you’re ingesting (2 points)

c. When you are full (1 point)

3) When you feel sad, stressed, nervous or angry, are you more or less hungry than usual?

a. Never (0 points)

b. Sometimes (1 point)

c. Often or always (2 points)

4) Do you eat for pleasure?

a. Never (0 points)

b. Sometimes (1 point)

c. Often or always (2 points)

5) Do you have problems eating in public?

a. Never (0 points)

b. Sometimes (1 point)

c. Often or always (2 points)

6) Do you buy healthy foods?

a. Never (2 points)

b. Sometimes (1 point)

c. Often or always (0 points)

7) Do you tend to eat food during your relax moments?

a. Never (0 points)

b. Sometimes (1 point)

c. Often or always (2 points)

8) Do you eat when you have not other things to do?

a. Never (0 points)

b. Sometimes (1 point)

c. Often or always (2 points)

9) How often do you calculate calories?

a. Never (0 points)

b. Sometimes (1 point)

c. Often or always (2 points)

10) When do you realize that you have eaten too much or something that is not healthy?

a. Sometimes, but it is fine (1 point)

b. It doesn’t matter (0 points)

c. You feel guilty (2 points)

11) How often do you think about food or are you hungry during the day?

a. A few times (0 points)

b. Many times (2 points)

c. I don’t know (1 point)

12) What is more important in your eating style?

a. Nutrition (0 points)

b. Portion sizes (1 point)

c. Number of calories (2 point)


Score from 0-14

You have a good relationship with food and in general you have a balanced diet. Often, you can recognize the signals the body gives to you, respecting a balance that avoids excesses. You are able to recognize emotions you are experiencing and face them with awareness, without being consoled by food. During the day, eat when you are hungry and you can treat yourself with some sweets treat without any problem! 

Score from 15-24

Often, your emotions can affect your way of eating and some habits turn out to be wrong. You probably cannot handle your needs and you use food as a safety valve. You should learn to better listen to your needs, so as to avoid unnecessary excesses. Just be more aware of your psychophysical state to make it healthy and balanced. Do not dismiss the idea of ​​helping you out!

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